Faculty Member from the Department of Anthropology, Asst. Prof. Emine Sökmen Adalı's two articles;
"Ankyra Rome and the Temple of Augustus in the Political Landscape as an Imperial Image" in the Journal of Spatial Planning and Design and also ''Ankara Augustus Temple in Late Ottoman Period Official Correspondence'' was published in the Journal of Archaeology and Art.
You can access all articles via here.
İmparatorluk İmgesi Olarak Politik Peyzajda Ankyra Roma ve Augustus Tapınağı-SPLANDES.pdf
1.2 MBGeç Osmanlı Dönemi Resmi Yazışmalarında Ankara Augustus Tapınağı Arkeoloji ve Sanat.pdf adlı eki önizle
Geç Osmanlı Dönemi Resmi Yazışmalarında Ankara Augustus Tapınağı Arkeoloji ve Sanat.pdf