News All 13 December Department of Turkish Language and Literature Seminars 2 was held 29 November Assoc. Prof. Evrim Türkçelik elected as "Fernand Braudel Senior Fellow" 18 November Our Vice Rector and Dean of our Faculty Prof. Dr. Münire Kevser Baş attended the panel "Sezai Karakoç's Thought of Resurrection and Perspective of Islamic Civilisation 22 July Prof. Dr. Selim Ferruh Adalı, member of the History Department of our faculty, participated in the congress organized by the International Assyriological Association (IAA) 22 July Promotion Days for Candidate students are still in progress! 12 July Professor Dr. José Javier Ruiz Ibáñez visited the History Department of our Faculty 12 July Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nagihan Gür's article entitled "Bir Hikâye Birden Çok Anlatı: Nigârîn’in Hikâyesinin Yüzyıllara Yayılmış Serüveni" was recently published. Announcements All 02 December ASBU Seminars of Turkish Language and Literature Department II 15 November ASBÜ Seminars of Turkish language and Literature Department 17 July ASBU Promotion Days Starts Today! 01 March ASBÜ History Talks: Dr Brian McPhee (Durham University), "What is (Epic) Truth? Apollonius of Rhodes on the Amazons of Terme (Samsun)" 11 April New Article by Assoc. Prof. Selim F. Adalı 10 June International Webinar by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Metin Atmaca 12 January Final exam program Tanıtım Videosu