News All 28 March Our Faculty Member Dr. Emine Sökmen Adalı’s Archaeological Survey Project Approved by the Ministry 14 March Our Faculty Member Asst. Prof. Emine Sökmen Adalı's Digital Ankyra Project 25 February A meeting was held under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr. Münire Kevser Baş, Dean of our faculty, to discuss the YÖKAKK Institutional Monitoring Report. 25 February Our faculty member of the Department of Anthropology, Assistant Prof. Emine Sökmen ADALI participated as a speaker in the conference titled ‘Urban Dynamics in Roman Anatolia’. 25 February Our Faculty Members Receiving SSUA Academic Awards 25 February DOI application of our Faculty Journal ASA was accepted 13 December Department of Turkish Language and Literature Seminars 2 was held Announcements All 02 December ASBU Seminars of Turkish Language and Literature Department II 15 November ASBÜ Seminars of Turkish language and Literature Department 17 July ASBU Promotion Days Starts Today! 01 March ASBÜ History Talks: Dr Brian McPhee (Durham University), "What is (Epic) Truth? Apollonius of Rhodes on the Amazons of Terme (Samsun)" 11 April New Article by Assoc. Prof. Selim F. Adalı 10 June International Webinar by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Metin Atmaca 12 January Final exam program Tanıtım Videosu